According to the condition of the individual, raw carrot juice may be taken indefinitely in any reasonable quantities – from one to six or eight pints a day.
It has the effect of helping to normalize the entire system. It is the richest source of Vitamin A which the body can quickly assimilate and contains also an ample supply of vitamins B, C, D, E, G and K. It helps to promote the appetite and is an aid to digestion.
It is a valuable aid in the improvement and maintenance of the bone structure of the teeth.
Nursing mothers should drink plenty of raw carrot juice, properly prepared to enhance the quality of their milk, as a breast diet may under certain circumstances, not provide sufficient vital foods.
During the last months of pregnancy, raw carrot juice, taken in sufficient quantities, tends to reduce the possibilities of puerperal sepsis at childbirth.
One pint of carrot juice daily has more constructive body value than 25 pounds of calcium tablets.
Raw carrot juice is a natural solvent for ulcerous and cancerous conditions. It is a resistant to injection, doing most efficient work in conjunction with the adrenal glands.
It helps prevent infection of eyes and of the throat as well as of the tonsils and sinuses an the respiratory organs generally.
It also protects the nervous system and is unequalled for increasing vigor and vitality.
Raw Carrot Juice: Health Benefits