Spinach is rich with iron, beta carotene and calcium. It is recommended for women, particularly vegetarians as it is useful for protection against osteoporosis.
It is also useful in detoxifying the body. The juice is rich in all minerals and organic substances and is good as a cleansing blood tonic, healing the intestinal tract, hemorrhoids anemia and vitamin deficiencies.
Iron in spinach juice will helps jeep human blood healthy.
Spinach juice can be taken together with carrot juice.
It strengths immunity, prevents constipation, bleeding gums, indigestion, colds and cough.
Raw spinach juice taken twice a day before meals lowers the blood sugar.
While spinach leaf juice as a gargle, is good for sore throat.
Because of its high folate content, expectant mothers would be advised to include fresh spinach juice in their diet; folate helps to protect against both miscarriage and certain types of birth defects.
The good of spinach juice
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