Saturday, October 23, 2021

Cluster mallow

Botanically named Malva verticillate, also known as Chinese mallow, this plant was already cultivated in Asia more than 2000 years ago. It is an edible medicinal plant and has emollient, laxative and detoxifying properties.

Flowers are numerous, almost sessile, clustered in the glomeruli in the leaf axils. The small, symmetrical flowers have five white, pink or red petals.

Leaves are long, petioles are usually 2-5 times the length of the plate, hairy. The leaves have a pleasant mild flavor. They can be eaten raw or cooked. Younger leaves can make a good alternative to lettuce in salads.. The leaves of M. verticillata L. are commonly consumed as vegetables in the northern part of Bangladesh, locally known as Laffa or Napa Shak.

The plant can grow up to approximately 2 meters in height. M. verticillata is shown to be a rich source of phenolics, and the total phenolic content in the leaves, stems and seeds.
Cluster mallow

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