Saturday, October 06, 2007

Carrot Juice and lemon juice

Carrot Juice and lemon juice
A cup of carrot juice taken daily improves the eyesight and prevents cataract. Carrot juice is also excellent for the treatment of infantile diarrhea and acute colitis. It also prevents dehydration. Mixed with a little honey carrot juice is highly effective in all sorts of fevers, general debility, nervous disorders, anemia, lassitude, low vitality, and rundown conditions. Carrot juice applied on the burns help them heal faster.

Lemon juice is an excellent blood purifier. Upon rising in the morning, drink the juice of 1 lemon in a cup of warm water. It helps in reducing obesity. Asthma is relieved by taking a half-spoonful of lemon-juice before each meal and upon retiring. Lemon juice taken 3-4 times daily along with garlic cures cough and cold. Drinking lemon juice daily helps to alleviate rheumatic fever, painful joints, lumbago and sciatica.
Carrot Juice and lemon juice

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