Monday, November 25, 2019

Health benefits of raw spinach juice

Spinach is one of the most important and nutritious vegetable eaten raw or cooked it provides a very good amount of vitamins B6, riboflavin, folate, niacin, soluble dietary fiber, omega 3-fatty acid and minerals. Spinach is also rich with iron; its use prevents from some of diseases like osteoporosis, anaemia results of iron deficiency.

The phytochemicals of most importance are the carotenoids, β-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin and phenolic compounds and they have antioxidative action when spinach is consumed these all components together controls the effect of free radical to reduce their harmful effect.

Spinach is an excellent source of beta-carotene. Human bodies use beta-carotene to make vitamin A. Vitamin A is important for vision, immune function, and skin and bone health.

Spinach contains Vitamin K is a group of compounds. The most important of these compounds appears to be vitamin K1 and vitamin K2.

Antioxidant activity is important as many chronic diseases and health issues associated with ageing are believed to result from excessive oxidative stress.

One of the major health benefits attributed to two major compounds in spinach, lutein and zeaxanthin, is that of protecting against eye diseases such as macular degeneration (gradual loss of central vision, associated with old age).

Spinach is high in insoluble fiber, which may boost your health in several ways. It adds bulk to stool as food passes through your digestive system. This may help prevent constipation.
Health benefits of raw spinach juice

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