Cabbage Juice and its Value
When raw cabbage juice is added to raw carrot juice it forms an excellent source of vitamin C as a cleansing medium, aiding particularly where infection of the gums resulting in pyorrhea is present.
When boiled or dehydrated with excessive of the vitamins, minerals and salts is destroyed.
One hundred and twenty pounds of cooked or canned cabbage could not furnish the same vital organic food value that is assimilated from drinking one half pint of straight raw cabbage juice when properly prepared.
Cabbage juice has been used very effectively to help the relief of ulcers an constipation.
As constipation is usually the primarily cause of skin eruptions, these have also been cleared up the judicious use of this juice.
The addition of salt or vinegar to cabbage or its juice not only destroys its value but is also definitely harmful.
Cabbage Juice and its Value
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