Classifications of Vegetables
Vegetable are classified in the basis of the part of the plants such as root, stem or tuber that is used for food.
Root vegetables
The root group includes beets, carrots, radishes, rutabagas,, turnips and yams.
Stem vegetables
The stem group includes asparagus and kohlarabi.
Tuber vegetables
The tuber is an underground stem. Edible tubers include girasole or Jerusalem artichoke, potato, taro and yam.
Leaf and leaf-stalk vegetables
The leaf group includes Brussels sprouts, cabbage, celery, chard, chicory, endive, lettuce, parsley, rhubarb (pie) and spinach.
Bulb vegetables
The bulb group includes garlic, leek, and onion.
Immature inflorescene vegetables
This group includes artichokes, broccoli and cauliflower.
Fruits used as vegetables
The immature fruits are used as vegetables, cow pea, cucumber, papaya, jack fruit, egg plant (brinjal), Lima bean, okra, pea, summer squash (gourd).
Mature fruit vegetables
This group includes musk-melon, pumpkin, tomato, and water melon.
Classifications of Vegetables
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