Enzymes in Vegetable Juices
Fresh juices are chock full of enzymes – those “living” molecules that work, often with vitamins and minerals, to speed up reactions necessary for the human body to function.
Without enzymes, we would not have life in our cells.
Enzymes are prevalent in raw foods, but heat such as cooking or pasteurization, destroys them.
Fresh vegetable juice contains enzymes that help break down food in the digestive tract, thereby sparing the body’s digestive system from overwork.
This sparring action is known as the “law of adaptive secretion of digestive enzymes.”
According to this law, of some of the food you eat is digested by enzymes from the food itself, the body will secrete less of its own enzymes.
This allows the body’s energy to be shifted from digestion to other functions such as repair and rejuvenation.
Fresh vegetable juices require very little energy expenditure to digest. And that is one that their energy levels increase.
Enzymes in Vegetable Juices
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