Cereal Grass and Algae Juice
Cereal grass are the young plants of cereal grains. They are at their nutritional peak about twenty days after germination of the seed, when the grass begins to form a stem.
This is referred to as the jointing stage. Harvested at this young age, cereal are chemically and nutritionally different from the fully developed grain they would eventually produce.
For instance, 100 grams of wheat grass has 32 grams of protein, whereas the same amount of wheat flour contains only 13 grams of protein.
Cereal grass juices cleanse and detoxify the system and provide the body with energy. Their powerful cleansing may produce nausea however, so it is a good ideas to dilute them with quality water.
Some are also bitter tasting; adding a small amount of carrot or apples will help to sweeten the taste.
Powerhouses of nutrition, green superfoods such as cereal grasses and algae contain high concentration of protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals.
They are nature’s most protective medicine. They detoxify the organs, reduce tumors, and act to overcome all toxic substance in the body. They have in common an abundance of chlorophyll, the substance that helps plants convert sunlight into energy – and gives them their green color.
The beneficial effects of chlorophyll include:
*It can reverse the mutagenic capacity of some cancer-causing chemicals
*It slow cellular damage caused by radiation
*It aids wound healing by stimulating new cell growth
*It builds up the blood and neutralize toxins such as pesticides
*It binds with heavy metals, removing them from the body
*It fights infections
*It improves liver function
*it help eliminate mouth and body odors
*It is good for all degenerative disorders
Fresh cereal grasses can be juice only by the triturating method.
Cereal Grass and Algae Juice
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