The word of asparagus derive from two Greek words; ana, meaning up, and spargan, meaning to swell, a reference to the prominent shoots of the plant that ‘swell up; as it grows.
Botanically it us known as Asparagus officinalis. It is an erect or climbing plant widely distributed from Siberia to South Africa.
By the beginning of the seventeenth century books written by scholars and herbalists has made the Latin name of the vegetable, asparagus, familiar to the common people.
The amino acid asparagines, was isolated form asparagus juice in 1906 by Louis Nicolas Vauquelin and Pierre Jean Robiquet.
As the juice, it helps the breaking up of oxalic acid crystals in the kidneys and throughout the muscular system, it is good for rheumatism, neuritis, etc.
It contain relatively large amounts of calcium and phosphorus, They also contain vitamin A and C and niacin.
Asparagus juice is usually recommended combined with other juices since it is fairly harsh to the system. It is a milder and a more potent diuretic of combined with carrot juice, It is a beneficial juice in the case of kidney of general glandular troubles.
There are two different types of commercial asparagus juice. One tastes salty whereas the other tastes sweet. Both are produces using fresh asparagus as the raw material.
To avoid the occurrence of bitter taste, asparagus should be processed as soon as possible after harvest.
Asparagus juice
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