Main advantage vegetable juice therapy lies in its harmless use, of taken in moderate quantity but ‘excesses’ of any sort are bound to have reactions on whether in a healthy person or patient.
It can be taken at any hour during the day or night.
Vegetables juices are regenerators and builders of the body. Juice of any vegetables produces retains its original food value, is assimilated in short times, is easily digested and human digestive system does not undergo any functional strain.
Fresh vegetable juices satisfy and nourish every one of the twenty six thousand billion cells of which human bodies composed. They revitalize the blood stream. It helps in detoxifying the body.
Garlic juice is a fine blood purifier. It is absorber of uric acid and is very useful in case of high blood pressure, arthritis, nervous disorders and intestinal troubles.
Raw carrot juice is a rich source of vitamin A, B, C, D, E, G and K. It normalizes the entire system and is a natural solvent for ulcerous conditions.
Scientists have identified the nutritional and biochemical properties of freshly-prepared vegetable juices which account for their use in helping treat so many problems.
Vegetable juice therapy
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