Sugarcane juice high concentration of antioxidants makes it something important among foods.
Sugarcane contains glucose, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins. Many people in China who enjoy longevity report that they were in habit of drinking a cup of sugarcane juice every day.
Several studies have shown that the antioxidants in sugarcane juice help fight against viral and bacterial infections, boost the immune system, protect against diseases of the liver, and are effective at fighting against cancer, especially prostate and breast cancer.
An Australian study also showed that it stabilized blood sugar levels and promotes weight loss in obese rats.
Sugarcane can be taken to treat vomiting, constipation, food poisoning and premature aging.
Sugarcane is very useful in scanty urination. It keeps the urinary flow clear and helps the kidneys to perform their function properly.
Health benefits of sugar cane juice
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